
Big Mission: Saving Taiwan Black Bear

Those bears are called Formosan Black Bears and you can also call them Taiwan Black bears. We've worked with Taiwan Black Bear Cons...

Those bears are called Formosan Black Bears and you can also call them Taiwan Black bears.
We've worked with Taiwan Black Bear Conservation Association (TBBCA), which is a group with big mission: Saving Taiwan black bear.
This is how Taiwan Black Bear looks like, they are just so cute. 
Due to the environment changed and hunters still keep killing those innocent animals, the amount of Taiwan bears is lower year by year.
At that day, TBBCA find and tell us their mission, and they need people to help them by donating for black bears, we decide to help them with our professional career - USB drives.

Here is what we have done, they use our USB drive as a gift for people who donates for black bears. And it works! I can say that people goes crazy for those cute bear usb drives! People wants to help Taiwan bears but now they have another reason to donate for Taiwan black bears.

If you would like to help Taiwan black bears, you can visit here for more information.

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