Our blog is started in July, 2014. It's been half year, thanks for all of you staying here (you don't know how it means to us). W...

Does USB 3.0 work with USB 2.0 port? A lot of customers ask us about it, so here is the answer! The answer is YES, sure it works. Bu ...

Tons of love for Gingerbread man! Am I the only one who feels like that? Of course not! I mean who doesn't fall in love with his warm...

(Source: Emma Lucy Photo ) We are so excited to work with our creative clients such as photographers, designers and weeding company, ...

  Why do those big companies such us  IKEA , HP,  ELLE ,  Volkswagen  choose us? It's a good question to ask, so here are the answ...

Our shopping bags for Tiffany&Co were came out with elegant and simple. As a one-stop manufacturer of USB drives, we do design, manuf...

I am so excited to announce our new project with IKEA, this is the third time we work with them, and every time we are just so joyful of w...

Look at those mini  book mark USB drive , needless to say that they are ultra-light, tiny and easy to take. Everyone likes to receive...

Have you ever held the question in mind that which one is better? USB flash drive or DVD ? I am here to let you know the answer, because...

  Not only Lantern and Vampire  are the main roles in Halloween, but Mummy and Skull are so important as well. For the co...

Can't believe it's already Autumn, and the most exciting festival in October will be Halloween. Do you have any plan for the e...

Have you heard that 35,000 walrus have been forced onto the beach because they cannot find any sea ice to rest on, due to rising te...

Most of you must have heard about #BendGate. I might say it is the funniest parodies recently. Several iPhone6 Plus users has complaine...

Promotional products are used globally to promote brands, products and corporate identity. Almost anything can be branded with a company nam...

Do you know anything about fake USB flash drives?  It is a secret of  flash drive industry, if you never heard it before then I am goi...

Hello guys, I know the big brother-Apple just release their iPhone 6 this month, but Do-not forget how adorable the Android robot is! ...

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